
Yuichiro Katsumoto

Yuichiro Katsumoto


Yuichiro Katsumoto is an artist and educator based in Saitama, Japan. His work focuses on exploring the interplay between letters and images by experimenting with linear objects such as strings, ribbons, and springs.

Artistic expression has long been intertwined with the acts of writing and drawing—processes through which humanity has mastered the compression of the three-dimensional world into two-dimensional lines. Katsumoto seeks to reverse this compression, liberating these lines back into physical space to create kinetic typography and motion graphics.

Katsumoto earned his Ph.D. in 2010 from Keio University, specializing in video production, physical computing, and design thinking. After completing his doctoral studies, he worked as a researcher at the National University of Singapore before returning to Japan in 2018. Since 2019, he has been teaching design and creating art at Tokyo Denki University, where he also heads The Utsuroi Lab.

In 2024, Katsumoto served as the ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2024 Art Papers Chair, supervising the review process and organizing eight sessions that shared cutting-edge research at the intersection of art, design, and technology. Through his initiative, the program saw a significant increase in submissions, fostering lively discussions and strengthening the sense of community.

Katsumoto's works have gained recognition across the boundaries of art, design, and entertainment. Much like Hayao Miyazaki and Takeshi Kitano—masters who elevated their works from entertainment to art—Katsumoto began his journey driven by a passion for creating the intriguingly novel. Through this pursuit, he refined his design skills, earning a place for his creations to be appreciated as works of art.


Feel free to contact me via email or instagram for any request such as exhibitions, lectures, and etc.

No internship opportunities are available in this time.

Education and Career




Maker Faire
